Director’s Welcome

Mr. Bala Saad, Director

Assalaamu Alaikum.
Let me start with this wise saying from John C. Maxwell. He states that, “If you value people, you will want to add value to them and serve them”.
Ghana-Lebanon Islamic School Complex (GLIS) is a school that I value and want to serve wholeheartedly. This is a school that was established from a humble beginning, but today, in its 18 years life cycle, is undoubtedly categorized among the best schools in the country with regard to WASSCE and BECE results.

As one of the pioneering teachers in the school in the year 2001, I once again feel it a duty to come back to the school and continue to serve Islam and my country.
With clear memories, I still remember how challenging it was for me to head the new junior high school of the school in 2002/2003 academic year. However, in 2005 when my first batch of students completed with a sterling performance, particularly in English Language (my subject area), I felt very much relieved. Immediately after churning out these students, as a promising young man, I felt I had paid my dues, and so I had to leave to take up a new appointment in a corporate organization for yet another equally important challenge.
In spite of all the goodies, the perks, and the finesse in the corporate world, as a professional teacher, I still feel obliged to go come back and contribute to the development of education for the teeming Muslim communities. Undoubtedly, I must admit that I took particular relish in the 12 years stint with Graphic Communications Group Limited, where I rose through the ranks to become the Zonal Business Manager for Ashanti and Brong Ahafo regions and later Northern, Upper West and Upper East regions. Before I left Graphic, I felt strongly ready, adequate and professionally prepared to take up the mantle of leadership as the Director of GLIS. Adequate and prepared because I had been in management and administration for eight (8) consecutive years.

With the unalloyed cooperation and support from all stakeholders, I strongly believe we can raise the image of the school to a higher pedestal in the areas of discipline, visibility, customer service, moral values, patriotism, and above all, achievement of enviable results at BECE and WASSCE.
Sooner than later, GLIS is joining the league of international schools in Ghana offering Cambridge programmes such as IGSCE. Also, with the forthcoming rebranding of the school by the middle of the year (2018), the school’s brand identity is going to be heightened. Furthermore, the school’s internal and external clientele will have a better and improved perception of the school.

Let me take this opportunity to pay glowing tribute to the owners of the school, Ghana Islamic Society for Education and Reformation (GISER) for their foresight and intuition in the development of humanity in the areas of Islam, education, health agriculture, among others.
Again, I salute the first and the second directors of the school, Ali Soulah and Alhaj Mohammed Baba Alhassan, for their stewardship and commitment to duty in bringing the school thus far. The Parent-Teacher Association has also been quite instrumental in the seamless progress of the school.

Last but not least, a lot of appreciation goes to the teachers and students (both past and present) for their wonderful cooperation in raising standards in academic and co-curricular activities.
Wassalaamu Alaikum.